
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Eternal Rewards - Mark Brauss - July 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Salvation → Judgment → Rewards
- Ephesians 2:8-9
- Ephesians 2:10
☼ God’s Timeline….
⌂ A Day of Judgment is Coming…
- Acts 17:31
- Romans 14:10-12
- II Corinthians 5:9-10
⌂ A Day of Rewards …. !
- Isaiah 40:10
- Revelation 22:12
☼ The Promises …..
- Matthew 16:24-27
- Matthew 19:21
- Matthew 19:27-29
- Romans 2:6
- I Corinthians 4:5
- Ephesians 6:8
- Hebrews 10:34-36
☼ Motivation
- Hebrews 11:26
- I Peter 4:2
☼ Eternal Differences in Heaven?
- Matthew 6:19-21
- I Corinthians 3:12-15
☼ Application…..Facing Reality
□ A Day of Judgment is Coming…..
→ My Account
- How will I explain my account to Jesus?
- What area(s) of my life do I need to change?
- How am I living? ….for myself or Jesus?
□ A Day of Reward is Coming…..
→ How I live on Earth has impact in Heaven….
→ Am I storing up treasure in Heaven?
→ He will reward me for how I served Him…
- Where and how am I serving Him now?

Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Real Truth - Mark Brauss - July 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
☼ Hard Truth → A Warning…. Matthew 10:34-39
☼ Real Truth → The Great Chasm…….Luke 16:19-31
☼ Hard Truth → The Problem of Hell ….Matthew 7:13
•Matthew 10:28
•Matthew 13:40-42
•Matthew 23:33
•Philippians 2:9-11
•John 14:6
☼ Real Truth → The Present Heaven ….
► What is the Nature of the Present Heaven?
•A Physical Place
•Revelation 2:7
•Revelation 22:1-2
► What is Life like in the Present Heaven?
□ Revelation 6:9-11
● We remember……
● We speak…..
● We are conscious and aware…
● We can ask God questions…
● We know what is happening on Earth….
● We have physical forms…
● We are aware of time….
□ We see ….Luke 9:28-31
• Hebrews 12:1-3
☼ Application
● Share the Gospel…..
Sin → Savior → Salvation → Security
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Romans 3:23 → John 3:16 → Ephesians 2:8-9 → I John 5:13
● Live Out the Gospel…..
→ Let your actions confirm your talk….
→ Love with truth…..
● Live for what is Important! …. Matthew 13:44-46
→ BUY the Field !
→ BUY the Pearl !

Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Heaven - Mark Brauss - July 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
☼ The End of the Story ….. I John 5:13
- Revelation 1:1-3
- Hebrews 11:16
☼ Wrong Assumptions About Heaven?
□ An Unending Church Service?
□ Current Culture Assumptions…
⌂ Channeling ….Deuteronomy 18:10-12
- Isaiah 8:19-20
⌂ Reincarnation …. II Corinthians 11:13-14
⌂ Near Death Experiences …. Acts 7:56
- Revelation 1:17-18
☼ What Happens the Moment I Die?
⌂ Key Theology Words
- Sheol …. Genesis 37:35
- Hades…. Matthew 16:18
- Hell ….. Matthew 5:22
⌂ The Transition ….
□ Death ….. John 5:24
□ Present Heaven – where Christians go when they die.
↓ • I Thessalonians 4:13-18
↓ • The Intermediate State
↓ • Temporary
↓ • Not our Final Destination
□ Eternal Heaven – when God will dwell with believers
on the new Earth
- Revelation 21:1
- Revelation 20:14-15
☼ Application
- Set Your Mind….. Colossians 3:1
- Live for the End of the Story…. Ephesians 5:15
- Do Not Fear Death! ….. Hebrews 2:14-15

Sunday Jul 03, 2022
The Matchless One
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
The Visable One - Colossians 1:15
The Uncreated One - Colossians 1:15-17
The Top One - Colossians 1:18
The Preeminent One - Colossians 1:18
The Fullest One - Colossians 1:19
The Peacemaking One - Colossians 1:20

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Emmanuel, The Authority of God Is Alive In Us 6/26/2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Week # 4
Scripture Focus:
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28: 20b
Aim For The Week:
- To experience greater intimacy through the indwelling Holy Spirit
- To get a renewed vision for eternity that shapes the way you live and carry out His commission today
Main Point: Jesus will be with us to the point of His return
- The purpose of this week is to show how our outworking of the great commission is
- related to and shaped by the promise of Jesus’ return and how His constant presence is
- Jesus promised HIs presence, provision, and power in order to aid us in fulfil His purpose
- This assurance sends us out on our mission in full confidence
- We can give ourselves completely to fulfilling the great commission knowing there will come a day when we will receive the “well done” from God The Father
Putting It Into Practice:
Spend a significant amount of time in prayer to gain the level of intimacy that brings confidence in Jesus’ promise
Have you put together a list of people in whom you could share your faith Are you prepared to become intentional about praying for this list
Prayer Focus:
"Ask the Holy Spirit to give us confidence in Christ Jesus”
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you confidence in the power, provision and presence of
Christ as He leads you to share your faith in Him with those who are lost. That as our
intimacy with Him deepens as we begin to look forward to the promise of eternity with God the Father. Allow the reality of eternity to motivate & embolden us to Go share our faith.

Sunday Jun 19, 2022
”Making Disciples” Jay Jefferson 6/19/2022
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Week # 3
Scripture Focus:
“…baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Matthew 28: 19b-20a
Aim For The Week:
- To understand the significance of water baptism in our own life and the importance of it in the disciple making process
- To embrace the level of partnership God desires with us
- To develop a heart to teach, train, disciple those who have been lead to faith in Christ
- To develop a love for God’s word, recognizing that it is His comprehensive rule in every area of our life
Main Point: Making disciples involves Baptism and Teaching
The goal this week is to shed light on the importance of Baptism and Teaching in the grand mission of making disciples
- Jesus shows that baptism is an essential part of disciple making by including it in the commission
- Paul gives theological support so we understand its importance (Ephesians 4:5 & I Corinthians 12:13
- John 14:15-26 expresses the importance in keeping God’s commands
- Obedience is at the heart of being a disciple therefore teaching must be at the heart of making disciples
Putting It Into Practice:
- Have you ever shared your personal testimony (how and why you came to faith in Christ Jesus)
- Could you share it one minute? How about Five minutes?
- Begin a Bible devotional plan and use a Study Bible to help bolster your understanding of scripture (consult with the pastors concerning how to get started)
- Talk with the pastors concerning your gifts, talents and abilities and how they can be utilized in disciple making
Prayer Focus:
"Ask the Holy Spirit to give us confidence in Christ Jesus”
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you peace and confidence along with the words to say whenever the opportunity arises. Give us a sense of urgency similar to Philip (in Acts) as we lead people to the point of baptism and beyond. To be able to help guide new believers along in this disciple process by sharing and teaching God’s commands (His Word).

Sunday Jun 12, 2022
“The Reason Why You Are Here”
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Week # 2
Scripture Focus:
“Therefore Go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28: 19a
Aim For The Week:
- To feel spiritually alive while embracing the command to become active in a direct way
- To grow in wonder at the privilege of partnership
- To understand what it takes to “make disciples”
- What did “all nations” mean then and now
Main Point: There must be an intentional response to Jesus’ call to make disciples (not converts) of all people regardless of racial, social, economic backgrounds
The goal this week is to encourage us to be intentional and global in making disciples out of obedience and in response to Jesus’ command
- Its a command
- It will require action, intentionality, commitment and sacrifice. Because building the church of Jesus Christ will not happen accidentally
- we are not merely called to bear witness and convert people to faith but make disciples which implies long term commitment to the process
- All nations, cultures, races, social-economic backgrounds are our target
Putting It Into Practice:
- Do you know someone who needs to hear the gospel that you can begin praying for
- Do you know how to articulate the Gospel in clear, simple terms
- Do you consider yourself to be a disciple (one who is on a journey of learning and transformation to become more like Jesus) If so, are you ready to make more disciples
- What does GO-ing look like to you,
Prayer Focus:
“Ask the Holy Spirit to open up opportunities for you to share the gospel and to provide you with the boldness and wisdom as you share
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you increased boldness and a real sense of wisdom as you share the hope of God’s Love, Grace, and Mercy wrapped up in the message of the cross. Increase your openness to engage with new people who may not look like you and who may come from differing backgrounds and or cultures. To help you define your role in the disciple making process. Help you to lean on the strength and authority of Christ Jesus as you step out on faith to exact this command.
Here is a link to the passport for all 4 weeks

Sunday Jun 05, 2022
The Ultimate Authority
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Week # 1
Scripture Focus:
“…All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me.” Matthew 28: 18b
Aim For The Week:
- To see the power of God manifested in your everyday life
- To learn to live in greater dependence on God
Main Point: Jesus has ALL authority
The goal this week is to use Jesus’ declaration of authority to encourage us to move beyond feeling ill-equipped or unqualified to share The Gospel
- It is not about us
- It is about the power of the one commissioned us
- See how before He commissions the disciples (us) He reminds them (us) of who He is and who has the authority to send them (us)
- Fear and anxiety dissipate when we grasp and understand His authority
Putting It Into Practice:
- Would you commit to praying about your role in the great commission and ask God the Father to help you rest in His Would you then consider doing some small or simple act this week in order to make your faith more visible?
Prayer Focus:
“Ask the Holy Spirit to give us confidence in Christ Jesus”
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you real confidence in Jesus’ declaration in today’s passage. To understand that despite your trepidations and doubts, He has authority over everything on earth including the non-believers you will encounter as you share your faith. Be open to the moving of the Holy Spirit and His gifting in you as He makes you aware that you are indeed commissioned to make disciples.
Here is a link to the passport for all 4 weeks